Web Site Optimization & Important Body Tags for tune up - SearchFit your true choice!

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Web Site Optimization & Important Body Tags
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The TRUE Web Site Optimization & Important Body Tags for tune up - SearchFit your true choice!


Web Site Optimization & Important Body Tags for tune up.

Below you find the most important Body Tags for your web site optimization.

Head Title Tag
This is one of the most important tags on your page and should be constructed with a few things in mind. The Title tag should be clear as to the pages content, while at the same time making the user wanting to click on the link. The title should be relatively small, and stay within a 7 to 10 word frame
. more about the Title Tag.

Meta Keyword Tag
The meta Keyword tag is still important, although the weight of it's importance has dropped and continues to drop. There is also a limit to the length, or amount of characters that can be in this tag, along with limits to how many times each keyword can appear in the tag on each page. Some people have been talked into putting all of their keywords on one page, but after much research we have found this is not the road to good rankings. more about the Meta Keyword Tag.

Meta Description Tag
The description of each web page should go into the Meta Description tag. The description is what users will see when deciding if they should visit your site, so one must be careful when creating it. There is also a limit that most of the search engines and directories put on the Meta Description tag. more about the ETA Description Tag.




Heading Tags
The Heading tags are tags that specify a certain string of text on the page is a heading. There are different variations of this tag, and they range from heading 1 to heading 6. These tags can be used for search engine optimization purposes to make a certain word stand out more than others to the search engines and robots.

Comment Tag
This body tag is placed within the text so that web masters know where something begins and ends within the HTML coding. That being said, the Comment tag can be used to help your site optimize well, and to help boost your keyword density.

No Script Tag
You place this Tag after the body starts and include text like a second description. Some Search Engine like Google take this in the page description and use this also like the first text from your web site. This Tag can important your text starts very low in your HTML document.

Image ALT Tag
There are some search engines that use the ALT tags in their algorithms for inclusion. The ALT tags are a part of the "Image" tag which displays an image on the web page. ALT tags are also meant to be used for image maps. The purpose of this tag is to make the site navigable to people who are surfing the internet with images turned off, or when the pictures don't download. By using keywords, and a short description you can make the ALT tags work towards your web site�s optimization success.

Title Tag using like Text link ALT Tag
<A HREF=�yourwebsite.htm title=�Your Link Description�> The User effect is similar to the ALT tags the only different some search engines reading your title description in to the link text summary can be helpful by search engines like Google or the Teoma from Ask.com. This Engines consider high the text link summary. Place there important Keywords for your web site optimization.

Table Summary tag
The table summary tag is a lot like the comment tag as it is used to describe the table within the HTML coding. This information is not viewable by the person viewing the web site, but is readable by the search engine robots. This body tag can be used to boost a web sites keyword density and for spider-food, but the importance and weight of the Table Summary tag is not as great as others.

Noframes Tag
Search engines and search engine robots currently read the information and code inside of the frames tag. This means that all of the content, links, and meta tags should be placed inside of the Noframes tag if your web site uses frames. The best you create a small optimize web site with all important tags and information for the search engines. more about web site optimization


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Click any of the links below to see more about HTML Tag Optimization:
Clean HTML
Meta Keyword Optimization
Meta Tag Description
Title Tag Optimization
Releated Sites

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