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Latin American Search Engines
StarMedia http://www.starmedia.com/ Starmedia is popular site for Latin Americans. It features search capabilities powered by the Inktomi search engine.
Olé http://www.terra.es/ Directory of Spanish-language web sites, with the ability to search the entire web using AltaVista. There are regional editions for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Spain.
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| Yahoo en Español http://espanol.yahoo.com/ Spanish-language edition of Yahoo. The service lists sites from 20 Spanish-speaking countries, as well as news, business, sports and entertainment information.
QuePasa http://www.quepasa.com/ Customizable portal site aimed at Hispanics and Latinos in the US. Offers Inktomi-powered searching of the web or the ability to browse sites by category.
Radar UOL (Brazil) http://radaruol.uol.com.br/ This Inktomi-powered service lets you search Brazilian sites or the entire world. You can also browse a directory of Brazilian web sites.
TeRespondo http://sl.terespondo.com/ Spanish metacrawler that searches on the more popular search engines.
Argentina.wwwDirectory.net http://argentina.wwwdirectory.net/ Directory devoted to all things Argentina.
Brazil.wwwDirectory.net http://brazil.wwwdirectory.net/ Directory of Brazil-related web sites.
Buscaniguas http://www.buscaniguas.com.sv/ Salvadorean search engine.
Mexico Web http://www.mexicoweb.com.mx/ Directorio de paginas web en Mexico.
MexicoGlobal http://www.mexicoglobal.com/ Directory of Mexican web sites.
Odisea http://www.xolo.com.ni/ Searchable directory of web sites related to Nicaragua.
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Copyright © 2006 All Rights Reserved | Radix http://www.radix.ig.com.br/busca/Index Search engine and directory of Brazilian web sites. Additional features include MP3, image and news search.
TodoBR http://www.todobr.com.br/ Search engine for Brazil, covering pages in the .br domain.
Dobleu.com http://www.dobleu.com/ Directory of sites for Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world. | |